
«M E T A P H Y S I C S»


An arrow shot, a rebellious firefly fluttered inside. The sky lit up a new star. The world turned into a colorful tent of fancy patterns and secret signs. Now, one can hear the sound of Earth, its music, while its source is barely distinguished.

Light and Darkness came to close the circle, and the pendulum of equilibrium is swinging dully in its middle.

‘Mind your steps! Choose between glow and fog, right and wrong’, – is suddenly heard from nowhere.

The planet is resonating softly in hollow darkness, with sparkling lights all around. Billions of tightrope walkers-we are covering the life-long distance.
Something undiscovered, inarticulate and indescribable – that’s with every day and every glance – lies on a child’s palm. He is in tune with vigor. Once mature, he loses touch with the magic, his ability to perceive living beyond senses, thus, he forgets the path to the miraculous.

The world goes on vibrating with magic, it looks welcoming and nice. Every minute is a doorway to the future-the threshold of travel, the milestone of the path.

‘You are always in a hurry, you are used to rush in. Thus, you are moving away from the source, loosening the thread and you can end up breaking it,’ says the echo.

This voice … Where is it from? It seems to be clearly heard, it is calling your name, warning you and blessing you. A traveling companion. Our true Self.

‘What is life, if not ceaseless comprehension?’ he assures.
Immediate perception, an insight, a secret that is suddenly revealed. Isn’t that a miracle? Outside the matter, away from the known and closer to the cherished.

The metaphysics of the real world.

Wisdom is a gift meant for everyone, a promise of discovery.
‘You look through the depths, so you can see the pitfalls,’ I was once told.
‘Philosophy lies beyond science, beyond the quotidian,’ I was taught.

How could one tell a dream? What’s the use of teaching things to a genius? And where is Love’s shelter?

Metaphysics …
Flying in a dream is impetuous, falling down is abrupt while happiness has no boundaries. Faces are blurred, magic reigns.
‘Rise above vanity, and you will discover secrets for yourself, you will get some peace and find your way,’ – these are words that linger in my heart.

Love is about metaphysics, so is genius, so is wonder. Being in love and inspired is about levitation. The brightest moments of life and its deepest truth have to do with metaphysics.


Forest Glade


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